Sunday, October 20, 2013

Improve Every Area of Your Warrior Two.

We all recognize Warrior Two (Virabhadrasana II) as a staple in virtually every yoga sequence. But are we all getting as much benefit as we can? This simple tip is your ace in the hole when it comes to discovering the true benefits of this posture: opening the hips, toning the legs, and forging an overall strengthened body. Students and teachers are always amazed at the difference they feel, immediately, after this tip.

You'll find this and other amazing tips in my book and DVD, Functional Yoga Instruction

The Functional Yoga Manual holds a five star rating on Don't miss out!

"This is a must have book to add to your yoga collection whether you are a student or a yoga teacher. I have practiced yoga for over 10 years and taught it for over seven years and I have learned more from Functional Yoga Instruction then in all my personal yoga experience and instruction combined. It has completely changed my practice and how I teach yoga. This book is very organized and explains the techniques in a simple, clear, precise way. Functional Yoga Instruction teaches how to move on the mat in a safe, effective way which spills into proper movement off of the mat. Since I have practiced Functional Yoga Instruction and used the techniques in the book, I move better on the mat, as well as off the mat. It has increased my body awareness and I am much stronger. This book is ALL killer and no filler. I highly, highly recommend it!"

The Functional Yoga DVD is our best seller!

“I have folded, twisted and tried to breathe my way through quite a few yoga DVDs, always slightly tense and worried that I wasn't in the correct position for benefit or, more importantly, for injury prevention. That is not the case with the Functional Yoga Instruction DVD as the direction is so clear, precise and easy to follow. I appreciate the anatomical, almost scientific, approach to the instruction, breaking down the poses with tweaks that even the most experienced yogis would benefit from. For me, the comfort of knowing I'm doing the pose correctly rather than trying to force things and look impressive, allows me to scan, tweak, breathe and generally benefit more deeply. In fact, I find that I'm doing some of the poses less deeply than before, but feeling far stronger for it. After taking classes at Winter Garden Yoga and now following up at home with the DVD, I feel a definite improvement in my posture (something I thought was fine before… guess not!), more aligned and attuned to my body.”

Save money and purchase the DVD/Book Combo! I can't imagine a better investment for your yoga practice.