Sunday, October 13, 2013

The 3 Mistakes Yoga People Make, Winter Garden Yoga

The 3 Mistakes Yoga People Make, Winter Garden Yoga

I’ve been teaching and practicing yoga for nearly 20 years now. I’ve been to a lot of classes. I’ve been to a lot of workshops. I’ve watched countless DVDs. To put it mildly, I’ve seen it all.

And, because of what I’ve seen, I became very passionate to un-do the stuff that’s being done. So I developed my own method of yoga called FunctionalYoga Instruction™. As you know, my method of yoga is based on strength versus flexibility, alignment versus depth, and awareness versus appearance.

This method is changing lives. I invite you to visit WinterGarden Yoga whenever you’re in the area or to check out our one of a kind DVDs.

If you can’t make it out to see us, I want to share some very important information with you: The 3 Mistakes Yoga People Make.

Don’t take any of it personally. You may not even be aware that you are making a mistake or putting yourself at risk. After all, students do what teachers say. I’m inviting you to open your mind and own up to this stuff so that you can continue to experience yoga in a healing and happy way.

Here they are…

Number One: Stretching

This is a big one and it is a tough one to address because stretching is almost always synonymous with yoga. My mission in life is to change this association forever.

You see, stretching implies that the soft tissue is literally being elongated. This is great if you want to destabilize your joints or risk tearing your muscles. If that’s your goal, keep stretching.

The truth is that our muscles are long enough already. All we need to do is reprogram our nervous system in order to allow our muscles to achieve their fullest range of motion. By doing so, you will become more ‘flexible’ faster and safer. All of the instructors at Winter Garden Yoga are experts at this technique.

Number Two: Workout

I am going to paraphrase Pavel Tsatsouline, “Let yoga be yoga. Let cardio be cardio. Let weight training be weight training.” Yoga can’t be everything. It wasn’t designed to be.

Now, I’ll tell you that Winter Garden Yoga’s clients have said that our classes feel like a workout, and I understand that. After all, our method is based on strength and alignment. And yes, you will get toned. And yes, you will burn calories. But here’s the difference: yoga is just part of the package. Our clients are encouraged to go for walks (cardio) and to lift weights (weight training). When you combine all three components, you’ll have a potent combination that will cover all the bases.

Number Three: Ego

A lot of yogis focus on “How does this pose look?” or “I should be able to do this.” This is the ego. Leave it at the door or with your shoes. At Winter Garden Yoga, our instructors encourage all of our clients to focus on how a pose feels. Don’t take this the wrong way: we don’t care if you can get your hand to the ground or if you can perform some deep-stretch-foot-behind-the-head-maneuver. If you can do it, great.

We care about how your pose feels to you right now. Not what you could do 20 years ago… or 20 minutes ago… only right now. “Can you breathe here?” “Can you meditate here?” These are the questions that will flush out the ego quickly, get you tuned in, and keep you injury free.

That’s it. The 3 Mistakes Yoga People Make. Believe me, there’s a lot more but if you start with these top three, I guarantee that you will see amazing results quickly. In fact, if this happens to you (and it will), contact me at because I’d love to hear your story.

All the best,


PS: Are you a client at Winter Garden Yoga? If not, why? Contact Us for a free consultation so that you can begin making positive changes to your life right now. There’s no obligation. Just give us a call or contact us to see if we’re the right fit for you.