Sunday, July 27, 2014

Secrets Revealed: Fat Loss

A special message from Brian about fat loss.

Get ready to enjoy Winter Garden Yoga’s new series of blogs: Secrets Revealed. Within these posts you will find a goldmine of information to help you with your health and fitness goals. These are the tips and tricks that I use with my private clients to get outstanding results. This stuff works. In fact, you may find that these posts disappear after a while because I may think twice about giving away such great material. If you’re ready to melt away the extra pounds, boost your energy, and feel years younger please read on…

“What’s the quickest way for me to get in shape?” This is the most popular question I am asked. The real question is: “How can I burn fat, build muscle, and look toned?” The answer is easy. In fact, it is too easy:

  1. Keep a food journal.
  2. Use inefficient exercises.
Think about it. If your car is running inefficiently it burns more fuel, right? It's the same thing for your choice of exercise. Believe me, the type of yoga we practice at Winter Garden Yoga is very inefficient (with the exception of Yin Yoga) because of the slow controlled movement, deep breathing, and static contractions while holding and refining the poses. That kind of stuff burns a lot of unwanted calories.

Here’s the kicker: very few of you will follow this protocol.  Why? Because it is too easy and it works.

Believe me, all of my clients (and anyone who attends my Weight Control and Healthy Living seminar) will tell you that the first thing I insist upon is a food journal. And what of those who heed my advice? They get great results. Fast.

Without exception, everyone is very surprised with their eating habits. If you want to control your body composition, you have to see what you’re eating. Simple, right?

Now here’s the thing: what do we do with something that works? We dump it. This happens time and time again with my clients. They start their food journal, they get great results, and then the food journal disappears. I wish I had an explanation for this behavior. I don’t.

I believe it comes from the mindset of “anything worth having is a struggle.” Once the struggle is over (in this case, fat loss) and something becomes easy, it gets discarded. Don’t fall into this trap. I've been keeping a food journal for approximately nine years and I am constantly refining my food intake. The result? I walk around at about 7% body fat while maintaining lean muscle and exceptionally good health. 

You can, too. 

Here are some comments I've heard from those who have stuck with it:

"My [type 2] diabetes is no longer a threat."
"I have to take my work clothes to be taken in... again."
"I no longer have that little "pudge" below my belly button."
These are just a few. Are you ready to join the others and share your success story?

Take it from me, begin keeping a food journal. Track everything that you eat and drink. Most importantly, track how what you’re eating and drinking makes you feel. Once you have your data, begin removing all of the crappy food and begin replacing it with good food. If you still don’t know the difference between crappy food and good food, set up a private session with me.

We’ll continue this topic in a future blog…

Winter Garden Yoga is a world renowned yoga studio recognized for providing a unique form of functional yoga instruction (TM) that gives you a toned, pain-free body that leaves you feeling great whether you’re currently flexible or not.

Unlike ordinary yoga studios with packed classes that over stretch and leave you feeling lost in the crowd, our services focus on strength, mobility, and nutrition all wrapped up into a caring, supportive, family-like environment you’ll call home.

Contact us or give us a call at 407-579-9889 for a free, no obligation consultation ($87 value) to find a package plan that is perfect for you.