Saturday, August 2, 2014

The One Single Simple Solution, Fat Loss

It's hard to believe that Winter Garden Yoga will be open four years come October 9, 2014. During that amazing course of time, I've had the honor of working with a very diversified group of people. My long list of clients includes: doctors, business managers, stay at home parents, athletes, non-athletes, you name it.

The incredible thing that all of these folks have in common is a simple question: "What does it take?"

What does it take to make serious, permanent, and positive changes? I addressed this in a previous blog post. But I'd like to share with you another simple and powerful way to make things happen. The good news is... it is easier than you think.

A common conversation I have with folks goes along these lines...

"I'm trying to get out of my 'funk' and get fit again. I’m trying to tone up and prepare for my wedding (or my class reunion or pretty much fill in the blank)."

These are all valid goals. And the good news for goals like these (and pretty much any other goal), there’s a 100% success rate.

You read that correctly, 100%. There's just a tiny little caveat...

You must show up!

Take this familiar scenario for example:

8:30am and Saturday morning's Power Yoga class has come and gone.

This person just couldn't get themselves out of bed and over the hurdle of showing up on a Saturday morning to take the first step to becoming the best version of themselves... it’s interesting, instructive, and we can learn from their failure.

You must show up!

Your power is in showing up.Every decision you make is either moving you in the direction of your goals or away from your goals. There’s no neutral.

By allowing your internal resistance (your reasons, your excuses, your stories) to hold you back, you simply don’t show up. And not only are you farther from you goal, you will actually move away from the very thing you are trying to achieve.

To sum it up, this person is not exactly where they were on Saturday. In fact, they're further behind and it's because they didn't show up. Their rationale to not show up is stronger than ever now. Their goals are much further away than they were previously.

“The failure to act is much more often the product of inner, emotional resistance than external resistance. To move forward you must give up your story, whether it is excuses about your childhood, lack of education, your 'bad luck', your un-supportive family, your low metabolism, where you live, etc". ~Dan Kennedy

Compare that to the successful story of someone who did show up...

She wants to lose 15 pounds, while toning and strengthening her entire body. She wants to be confident, energized, and feel good about herself again.

During our consultation, we discussed where she is now, where she wants to be, came up with an action plan, and got her up and running. Her first yoga class is scheduled for Saturday morning at 8:30am.

She showed up!

Look at the astonishing difference showing up made for her. She’s been eating better for 2 days and she’s been to yoga twice. She's already feeling fantastic and looking forward to next week.. and all of this because she showed up.

There’s power here!

These VIPs showed up! ...and continue to do so...

Marita lost 26 pounds just by showing up!

Bridget lost 25 pounds and has kept it off for 2 years because she shows up!

Lisa is more toned and stronger just by showing up!

I want to encourage you to condition yourself to do what you say you do, to be where you’ll say you’ll be, to think the thoughts that will move you forward and not backward.

  • There is no neutral decision
  • Show up
  • Be positive
  • Move forward

Let today be the day you let go of your history, your story, and the negative circumstances that hold you in place.

The magic is in that single powerful action... showing up... and showing up again... and again... and again... and again...

Let this be your day.

Winter Garden Yoga is a world renowned yoga studio recognized for providing a unique form of functional yoga instruction (TM) that gives you a toned, pain-free body that leaves you feeling great whether you’re currently flexible or not.

Unlike ordinary yoga studios with packed classes that over stretch and leave you feeling lost in the crowd, our services focus on strength, mobility, and nutrition all wrapped up into a caring, supportive, family-like environment you’ll call home.

Contact us or give us a call at 407-579-9889 for a free, no obligation consultation ($87 value) to find a package plan that is perfect for you. Just be sure to show up ;)

I also want to give special thanks to my friend and fitness expert, Dave Fannin for the idea of this blog post.