Saturday, January 11, 2014

An Easy Way to Change the World

What are you doing to change the world?

You recycle. You eat organic food. You educate your friends and family about the effects of using plastic shopping bags. But what kind of impact does this have on the world around you?

The answer is easier than you think.

Practice yoga. Practice yoga, correctly, to be more precise. What happens when you practice yoga correctly? 

  • You feel better
  • You are more patient
  • You are more compassionate (to yourself and to others)

Notice "to others". 

Did you notice that the last bullet point said you are compassionate to others? That is the key. This is the pebble in the pond. Think about it for a moment. 

After your yoga practice, you head over to the supermarket. You are on cloud nine and feeling fine. Once you've picked up your organic broccoli packaged in a container made of 97% recyclable material, you head over to the cashier. That is the exact moment when a person races to get in front of you because they HAVE to hurry up and get the @!!# out of there because they are running late (or some such emergency)!

Ah, but you are in the zone. So you step back, smile, and say, "please, go ahead" and surrender your place in line.

That simple act just made that person's day. It may have even made their week. That simple act restored their faith in humanity and taught them that the world isn't such a bad place after all.

According to M.K. Gandhi:

"You must be the change you want to see in the world."

Let these words take root. Do you want the world to be healthier? Then become a healthier person. Do you want the world to be peaceful? Then become a peaceful person? Got it? Good.

"...One pose at a time."

Winter Garden Yoga's mission is simple: we are changing the world one pose at a time. In fact, we've started a revolution by offering unique yoga experiences that no other studio can match. 

We invite you to give us a try. Check out our website to learn more about our experts and our services.