Saturday, April 12, 2014

Secrets Revealed: Penalty Cardio, Fat Loss

A special message from Brian about fat loss.

Get ready to enjoy Winter Garden Yoga’new series of blogs: Secrets Revealed. Within these posts you will find a goldmine of information to help you with your health and fitness goals. These are the tips and tricks that I use with my private clients to get outstanding results. This stuff works. In fact, you may find that these posts disappear after a while because I may think twice about giving away such great material. If you’re ready to melt away the extra pounds, boost your energy, and feel years younger please read on…

“What’s the quickest way for me to get in shape?” This is the most popular question I am asked. The real question is: “How can I burn fat, build muscle, and look toned?” The answer is easy. In fact, it is too easy.

Enter, Penalty Cardio

I picked up this tip from a friend of mine (and $10, 000 body transformation winner), Doruk Ilgaz. Doruk would encourage his clients to do their best throughout the week... you know the drill... eat right and exercise. However, if there was ever a time when someone fell off the wagon, Ilgaz would dispense penalty cardio.

Here's How It Works

Let's say that you're out with friends and you succumb to peer pressure. You just HAVE to have ONE beer. No harm. No foul. That is until it turns into two or three beers.

Okay. You messed up. Own it and pay it back with penalty cardio.

Penalty cardio must be served first thing in the morning. Wake up, use the restroom, and get to work. Here's a routine I share with Winter Garden Yoga's Platinum VIPs:

Disclaimer of liability: Always consult with your physician or health care provider before trying this or any other health and fitness routine.

The cardio routine outlined here can be used with a jump rope, power walking, or virtually any form of cardiovascular activity. The key is to train in intervals of 20 seconds of varying intensity. The workout described below uses running in place as an example.

Set your timer for 20 minutes. Warm up for three minutes and then begin your workout immediately. After your 14 minute workout, cool down for the last three minutes.
  • Warm Up x 3 minutes
  • Walking in place x 20 seconds
  • Jogging in place x 20 seconds
  • Running in place x 20 seconds
  • Repeat 20 second intervals, nonstop, for 14 minutes
  • Cool Down x 3 minutes
Use your best judgment and take breaks as needed. You can switch to easier versions of cardio if needed. 

Yes, this means that on some days you will have two workouts.

If we take a tip from Tim Ferris, you can also use penalty cardio if you know that you're going to have an off day. We're all human, right? Maybe there will be a holiday smorgasbord coming your way or an off-the-hook office party. No problem. Own it and create a caloric deficit before the event with penalty cardio.

Got it?


You Can Do It!

One of the many benefits of Winter Garden Yoga's VIP packages is the accountability. Our VIPs are literally surrounded by people who want to succeed. And they want you to succeed too. 

One of our VIP Success Principles is to surround yourself with like minded people. You want to be around folks who will lift you up and inspire you... not hold you down. 

If you're ready to put an stop to frustrating dead ends, if you're ready to make amazing things happen for your life, then I want you to contact us for a free, no obligation consultation. You've got nothing to lose because your results are guaranteed. Get started now!