Friday, December 5, 2014

"I Feel Amazing. I Wish I Would Have Joined Sooner"

From the desk of Brian Friedman/Owner of Winter Garden Yoga

Each month Winter Garden Yoga features an amazing VIP who has achieved incredible results with our guaranteed methods. We call this feature: Winter Garden Yoga's Client of the Month.

Nominees share their inspirational stories (in their own words) and their photographs to motivate others to break old, destructive habits and to rise higher than they ever thought before.

This month we are proud to share Jennifer's marvelous story. What did Jennifer do to get rid of her achy joints? What did Jennifer do to rev up her energy? What did Jennifer do to lose an inch around her waist and hips?

These answers and much, much more will be revealed in Jennifer's amazing and inspirational story.

Read on...

1. What made you decide to join our studio?
I have fibromyalgia and endometriosis and had been neglecting my health for over a year. I didn’t feel like myself and was unable to deal with daily stresses. The level of pain I had been living with had become unbearable. I reverted to medications to deal with the pain. I had gained almost 20 pounds and knew that I had to do something before things got even more out of control. I had done yoga off and on for 15 years, so I was aware of the benefits.

2. What results have you received since joining our studio?
After a couple of weeks I had more energy and noticed that I was able to deal with daily stress. The biggest change came after a month. My pain level had diminished by at least 75%. I no longer rely on the medication. I began the nutrition counseling 6 weeks ago and can’t believe how quickly I saw results. I have lost an inch in my waist and hips and at least 5 pounds (I try not to weigh myself).

3. How do you feel now compared to how you felt before joining our studio?
I feel amazing! I wish I would have joined sooner.

Jennifer is off her pain medication, has more energy, and wonders why she didn't
come to WGY sooner.
4. What do you like best about our studio?
Winter Garden Yoga is not only a yoga studio, but it is also a supportive family. I’ve only been a member for 5 months, but I instantly felt like I was part of something awesome. After years of doing yoga and experiencing a gamut of different instruction styles, these are by far my favorite instructors. They are truly interested in helping people reach their health and fitness goals.

5. What would you say to someone on the fence about joining our studio?
Why wait? I had all of the excuses. I understand! I felt guilty about leaving my son in the evenings after working all day, I didn't want to spend the money (I was already paying for a gym membership), I didn't have time, etc. Make “You” a priority!

Winter Garden Yoga is a world renowned yoga studio recognized for providing a unique form of functional yoga instruction (TM) that gives you a toned, pain-free body that leaves you feeling great whether you’re currently flexible or not.

Unlike ordinary yoga studios with packed classes that over stretch and leave you feeling lost in the crowd, our services focus on strength, mobility, and nutrition all wrapped up into a caring, supportive, family-like environment you’ll call home.

Contact us or give us a call at 407-579-9889 for a free, no obligation consultation ($87 value) to find a package plan that is perfect for you.