Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Best Fitness App [Controversial], Fitness App

What's the Best Fitness App?

It’s not what you think...

As one of central Florida’s most respected and sought after fitness experts, I get a lot of questions about which app is the best for weight loss, getting in shape, keeping track of nutrition, and the list goes on. I’ve done my own research on the subject right here at Winter Garden Yoga and I’ve done my fair share of reading up on which fitness app is the best.

The bottom line is I know which app guarantees the greatest results. My answer will shock you and it will be hard to hear, but I assure you that if you use this app, your chance of success will improve by 66%. (Billy Beck backed up this statistic in his own research as a top personal trainer and motivational speaker. See his video below for details.)

My fitness app of choice…

· Will give you immediate and actionable feedback

· Will keep your goals in the forefront of your psyche

· Will let you know instantly when you should eat

· Will let you know instantly when you should exercise

· Will let you know instantly if what you’re doing is working

· And so much more…

But first, an experiment in pain

In Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University, Mr. Ramsey tells of an experiment that a credit card company tested on consumers. The company wired up the participants to various clinical machines that would test heart rate, brain waves, body temperature, etc. During the experiment, the volunteers would pay for a transaction with cash or with a credit card. The amazing discovery was that each time someone reached into their pocket to fork over the dough, the clinical outcome was pain. Crazy, right? The credit card company discovered that paying with cash was actually painful. The other, equally, amazing discovery was that each time someone paid with a credit card, the pain was much less. And if the participant swiped their card it was less painful still.

Why was that? Because there was a big disconnect between the consumer and their money when they used their credit cards.

I believe it is the same for fitness apps

When you use a touch screen to track what you’re eating or what you’re doing for exercise, I believe there is the same disconnect between you and your health habits. After all, YOU’RE not eating a piece of chocolate cake, YOU’RE just entering the data into your app. Believe me, it’s a lot less painful than owning up to a bad choice and putting it in writing.

Embrace the pain

The pen is mightier than the app.

Yes, it will be painful. But as the Buddha said, “Suffering is the greatest teacher.” Get out a pen, a paper journal, and write down what you’re doing. When you commit to this, you will be triggering multiple neural pathways.

Number one: Visual. When you write down your habits, you will see what you’re doing.

Number two: Tactile. The act of writing makes you an active participant.

Number three: Audible. When you read what you’ve written, you may say to yourself, “I can’t believe I ate that!”

And as any college student will tell you, the more pathways you activate, the more likely the information will stick.

I know what you’re thinking

“But my app________________.” This objection will echo in the annals of the fitness industry right along with “But what if________________?”

My apologies, I digress.

But my app…

· Tells me how many calories I burned

  • No it  doesn’t. It’s an assumption based on a general math problem. No one knows how efficiently you burn calories unless you, specifically, are in a clinical environment.

· Tells me how many calories I consumed
  •  No it doesn’t. It’s an assumption that what you’ve entered matches EXACTLY with what you’ve eaten. It’s a guess at most.

· Makes it easy for me to___________________
  •  No it doesn’t. Your app disconnects you from what’s really going on.

Believe me, your mirror will tell you more about your health habits than your app ever will.

So what’s the best app?

You guessed it (although your probably don’t want to hear it), pen and paper wins hands down… every time. Period.

"...all of the research I have seen had participants write in a journal" ~ Billy Beck

When you begin to write in your fitness and nutrition journal…

· You will improve your chances of success by 66%

· You will be in good company. WGY’s most successful participants (Marita, Gloria, Janis,)  use pen and paper

· You will connect, deeply, to your goals

· You will save money because pens and paper are way cheaper than technological gadgets

Simply stated, if you want to put your journal to good use, if you have the desire to make positive changes in your life, and you believe that Winter Garden Yoga can help you. I invite you to contact us or call us for a free, no obligation consultation. You have nothing to lose because your results are guaranteed. Be among the 100s who have lost weight, gained strength, gotten toned, and reclaimed their lives. Call or contact us today!

PS: Check out Billy Beck’s video here.